![]() The old Levitz site is at 5375 San Fernando Road West. The important word here is "West." This isn't regular San Fernando Road. It's a frontage road on the west side of the tracks. It's 90039, entirely within Los Angeles city limits, part of Atwater Village. So back off, Glendale Planning. It's not our fault your Home Depot might be closing. (Although I can already hear the next NIMBY rallying cry: "Four Lowe's Home Improvement Centers Between Northridge and Pico Rivera Are Too Many!") |
May 31, 2007
Glendale Wants to Handle Our Hardware
Calling All Videographers to Glassell Park!
EVEN IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, some neighborhoods could use a little more sunshine. Watch this six-minute video to find out how the Glassell Park Neighborhood Council tried to keep a May 15 meeting in the dark - possibly in violation of state law. Scariest quote, both grammatically and in high-falutin' un-American guilty-till-proven-innocent style, from GPNC Chair "Bradley" at the 5:00 mark: "My concern is that if you really had a concern with regard to legalities, as a respect, you would just cut it off automatically until you find out for sure what you can or can't do. But you haven't even done it. You have just continued to tape." As will everyone else, sir, June 5, 7:00pm, and June 19, 7:00pm, at the Glassell Park Community Center, 3750 Verdugo Road.
May 29, 2007
'We're Here at the Beautiful Goddam LA River'
RUN-AND-GUN TV HOST Huell Howser gets cleverly spoofed in this six-minute video shot along the LA River in Atwater Village or, as the puppet calls it, "downtown Los Feliz, which means of course The Feliz in Spanish." At the 5:00 mark, reporting from the historic Red Car train mural: "That's a beautiful mural depicting a possible solution to LA's horrendous traffic problem. I don't know about you, but if there's anything that would make me leave this God-forsaken hell hole, it's the traffic." Via LA Observed. |
Because the Trees Weren't Enough, Apparently
May 27, 2007
Heroin for Toddlers
GOOD NEWS IN TIME for Memorial Day Weekend. The city's Griffith Park Recovery blog announces that Shane's Inspiration, a.k.a heroin for toddlers, has re-opened after surviving the recent park fire. This weekend, parents, load 'em up on BBQ and get them to LA's greatest playground. Open in Griffith Park as of May 25, 2007:
May 26, 2007
Neighborhood's Next $100,000 Car Not Such a Gas Hog
![]() While Atwater Village must have its fair share of residents who can afford to leave six-figure vehicles on city streets, the more likely culprits are visitors to the recording studio on the block. And one of them has a new car to pay off. The New York Times automotive blog reveals that Black Eyed Peas member Will.I.Am spent "roughly $100,000 with options" for a Tesla Roadster, the all-electric sports car that zooms to 130 MPH, and zero to 60 MPH in four seconds. He's slated for the 59th Roadster from Tesla's factory, behind George Clooney (8th) and Governor Schwarzenegger (10th). Start ducking into your driveways this fall, as the first round of customers take delivery in October.
Soaking It In
![]() For nearly a year our neighborhood spa has been working out east-sider kinks. Let's hope Dtox also worked out some early customer service kinks."With bare feet soaking in a sudsy pedicure tub, Lanzi, an executive with Junior Achievement, is surrounded by his employees, who seemed to be having a good time making fun of the boss's calloused feet. Lanzi, for better or worse, invited the office to Happy Hour Friday at Dtox, a new place to socialize in Atwater Village near Griffith Park. Despite the name, Dtox isn't a bar, or a rehab joint, but a day spa that once a month throws open its treatment room doors to add a social element to massages, facials and pedicures...
May 22, 2007
New in the Blog-LA-Sphere
THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES maintains a helpful Griffith Park Recovery blog, with updates every few days. Sad to see our favorite godson destination, Shane's Inspiration - a.k.a. heroin for toddlers - still closed after the fire. Does anyone know if the playground sustained any damage? ALSO ADDED: See a great new take on the neighborhood as a New Yorker declares Atwater Village is for Lovers. |
May 21, 2007
Oh You Funny Little Flat Neighbors
![]() And in another nod to our lack of topographic interestingness, page 194 describes Atwater as "a great place to build, with plenty of flat sites and great old buildings set against the concrete-lined, industrial-romantic landscape of the LA River.""Atwater Village is a funny little flat neighborhood just across from Silver Lake on the other side of the LA River. In the mid-nineties, the Beastie Boys built a recording studio there where they recorded most of Check Your Head. Actually, it was more accurately a recording studio/basketball court/indoor skate park/Mulberry Street style 'private social club...'" |
All Aboard! Last Day of Red Car to Atwater

THIS BIT OF HISTORY comes from photographer Alan Weeks, snapped more than 50 years ago during the waning moments of Red Car rail service at the Subway Terminal Building (now the fancy Metro 417 apartments), 4th and Hill Streets in downtown Los Angeles. Note the sign on the right pointing to boarding lanes for Edendale (now Echo Park, Silver Lake), Atwater (now Atwater Village), Glendale, North Glendale and Burbank. Also note the sign at left announcing the final day, June 19, 1955, of the Los Angeles-Glendale-Burbank Red Car: "Service will be operated with buses. Rail service will be discontinued. Subway Terminal will be discontinued as a passenger station." And the people rejoiced. Thanks to the Metro Transportation Library and Archive Collection for sending another gem. More historic Red Car maps and photos here. |
May 20, 2007
Neighborhood Photographer Stops Time
![]() More of Hall's photography of water, fire, smoke and gas at andrewhalleditions.com."After moving from London to Los Angeles in 2005, Hall, 44, set up his studio in a former cosmetics factory in Atwater Village. He takes his pictures in total darkness, controlling what he can, including the method and speed of the pour, as well as when to activate the flash." |
May 19, 2007
One Year Ago on the Newbie Blog
HERE'S WHAT WAS WORTH typing (or pasting) one year ago on the Atwater Village Newbie blog. Which begs the question: When do I stop being a newbie? (See item #2.)
Pedaling Paradise Lost

EXHAUSTED FROM PEDALING along the LA River for Bike to Work Week? You probably didn't do much of it south of Atwater Village. Blog-LA-sphere friend Will Campbell scores an op-ed commentary in this morning's LA Times:Will argues that the "Fletcher Divide," the vanishing bike lane on Santa Monica Boulevard and other planning missteps continue to show that LA cyclists are a "transportation afterthought." Or as this handwritten Fletcher Divide warning sign so eloquently puts it, "dangerous slippy slide slime." |

May 17, 2007
The 'Best Bars in America' in LA are in Downtown LA

GILLETTE, WYOMING, HAS ONE. Lawrence, Kansas, has another. Here in Los Angeles we score eight of the "Best Bars in America," according to the June Esquire, and all of them are downtown. Take that, west-siders. East-side-o-phobes. AFTRA-SAG Credit Union members. Whatever you're called. Here are The Eight, linked to Yelp reviews, with quotes from the printed Esquire, since Esquire.com doesn't have this article posted:
May 16, 2007
A Cat for People Who Aren't Yet Cat People
![]() Part Maine Coon, she is, as Mrs. Newbie puts it, the cutest cat not currently in our house. And if we weren't already at our max pet per square foot ratio, Francesca would have already sized up the competition. Maybe someone else will see this and help the old gal.
May 14, 2007
The Monster of Atwater

From the LA Daily News:
"A Latino homie with an Irish name, he goes by the street handles 'Huero' and 'Eskimo.' His tattoos include an eagle eating a snake - symbolic of the Mexican flag - emblazoned on the back of his shaved head, a place that skin artists say is the most painful spot to be tattooed.
"His spiral notebook of rap lyrics depicts McGhee as a 21st century American psychopath, devoid of conscience, who used the Atwater Village area as an urban killing field...
"McGhee, after all, is believed to have killed one young man - 16-year-old Ryan 'Huero' Gonzales in 2000 - simply because he thought Atwater Village wasn't big enough for two people with the same nickname.
"It is the kind of violent rampage for which McGhee came to be called in his neighborhood 'the Monster of Atwater.' Some cops even compared his murderous nature to that of Charles Manson..."
May 10, 2007
A 50-Year-Old Game of Guess Where LA
![]() And if you don't happen to have Page 28 of the 50-year-old paper around, see the answer below in the comments section.KNOW YOUR CITY, NO. 140 - "These things keep getting easier and easier. Surely you recognize this scene. It isn't a Answer, even if it does have the same name. See? Even if it is easy, we keep giving it away. What is it? See Page 28, Part ll."
New Life Rises From Ashes
![]() Starbucks is open. At last. Thanks to Miles for reporting it amidst all the smoke. |
May 9, 2007
Now 47 Photos in Griffith Park Fire Timeline
AND GREAT VIDEO, in the midst of it all, from Jacob Soboroff.
Plus a new series from another Atwater Village neighbor.
May 8, 2007
Atwater Village Chokes In It
FOR MORE COMPREHENSIVE UPDATES and analysis on this tragic Griffith Park fire visit the LA Times breaking news blog. Also:
Mrs. Newbie Wants to Know: Meal Prep Places in LA?
WE SUBMITTED THIS QUESTION to the all-knowing Erin of Erin's Kitchen, but perhaps our Newbie readers have some ideas. Know any meal prep places in Los Angeles that offer fresh, organic foods? You know those kitchens that let you build a week's worth of meals to take home and cook later? Dream Dinners in Burbank is most convenient, but they get their food from Sysco - just like my old college cafeteria. No. Thanks. Know any places with higher quality foods? |
May 7, 2007
Sing a Song of Suburbs
![]() Beastie Boys - Do ItI found only three solid examples. Surely others have immortalized the suburb that brings us both Porto's Bakery and Brand Bookshop. |
When To Talk at the Movies
INSPIRED BY TWO CHATTY DUDES behind us last night at an Arclight Cinemas showing of "Spiderman 3," I've assembled this helpful list. Too tired of using your "theater" voice? Confused about subtle etiquette differences between a living-room TV set and a 500-seat auditorium? Feel like your $14 ticket comes with more rights than my $14 ticket? Need a change of scenery from AMC Universal CityWalk? Then this list is for you. When To Talk at the Movies (Only for People Sitting Directly Behind Me During Sold-Out Screenings) |
May 5, 2007
Call Me an 80s Child
CALL ME, MORE ACCURATELY, an 80s teen. And a bona fide Crowded House fan. This is a deeply talented Kiwi pop band I thought I'd never see again. A band that called it quits more than a decade ago. Now, 20 years after "Don't Dream It's Over" hit #2 in the US, it's not over. Crowded House quietly re-formed - with Beck's former drummer - for a new album and tour. The band's first California stop: The Glass House in Pomona. Tickets sold out in 90 minutes. I was too slow. The band's second California stop: Coachella. Other reunions overshadowed. Bottles flew. I was too old. Now I patiently wait. Crowded House returns to California, playing two nights in August at the Mountain Winery. Till then, the amateur videos. Enjoy:
May 4, 2007
A Little Bird Told Me

I FEEL LIKE I HAVE been in this very spot. Behind this very woman. Watching her take this very picture. "Monday Noticed" |
May 2, 2007
Meanwhile, Kaldi Coffee, the Block is Yours
![]() More like nine months, but who's counting? Certainly not neighborhood fave Kaldi Coffee, a few storefronts up, cashing in (literally; no credit cards taken) on its latte domination of central AV."What's up w/ that Starbucks in Atwater Village? It's had a 'Coming Soon' sign on it for 5 months." The phone number listed for the Glendale & Glenfeliz SBUX just rings. And rings. And rings. Yet the store is still coming "soon," insist the banner and web site. "You keep using that word," goes the famous quote. "I do not think it means what you think it means." |
You Say Crayfish, I Say Slimy River Alien
AN INTREPID VIDEOGRAPHER captures Los Angeles River wildlife at its slimiest. Narration by Sabrina Drill, video by Arthur magazine's Jay Babcock, "south of the Crying Girl, north of the submerged Darth Vader head," Atwater Village, April 28, 2007. |
May 1, 2007
Making Up for Lost Weekends
I HAVE BEEN RIGHTLY tsk-tsked for my absence from a shining moment on our neighborhood's spring calendar. The Artwater Music & Art Festival (previewed here) swept the sidewalks and storefronts of Atwater Village two weekends ago. Thanks to these kind persons, this is my blog's only first-person account:No, I was not boycotting. I was in Fillmore, of all places, for the annual pilgrimage to ride this cartoon-faced locomotive. Nothing personal. Let's enjoy together:It wasn't culturally groundbreaking and we didn't stay overly-long, but my kid got to get her face painted, I met the sweet li'l old lady whose portraits are hanging at the J. Ferrari gallery, and Kaldi was selling espresso jello parfaits on the sidewalk.
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