What do you want to see at the old Kmart site at Fletcher Square?Community groups in Atwater Village and Glassell Park are concerned. Los Angeles City College is building a
new campus at the old Van de Kamp bakery, adjacent to Fletcher Square, poised to reunite and re-center the neighborhood.
special interests are calling for "mixed-use development on the Kmart site providing amenities that we sorely need," such as "restaurants like California Pizza Kitchen."

But seven California Pizza Kitchens within seven miles is too many! And the Glendale store is only 2.2 miles from Fletcher Square!
Mom-and-pop pizzerias - the backbone of northeast LA's economy - will be driven out of business with so many California Pizza Kitchens saturating the area.
Who will take blame when the doors close on our local Sbarro?
Come out and voice your support for retail development that is more compatible with building a college campus, employs lots of part-time and full-time workers, offers plenty of free parking and refuses to serve Thai chicken!
Maybe Walmart! Or The Home Depot!
Community Meeting on the
Future of Fletcher Square
Wednesday, Sept. 27, 6:00pm
Glassell Park Community & Senior Center
3750 N. Verdugo Road