- PREVIOUSLY: Top 10 Reasons to Live in California
Most Up and Coming Hipster Hood - WINNER: Long Beach. Another tough choice. There were only a couple of hoods/communities in the running for this category. Atwater Village and San Pedro being the other two. But we would actually leave LA city limits and go to Long Beach.
Friends of Atwater Village is conducting a survey about the 90-unit Casitas Avenue Housing Project. Is this the scientific study developers and leaders can rely on for unbiased reporting of neighborhood preferences? Not exactly:
While I admire their concern over the beloved trash picker-uppers, I wonder if they could swap the city services answer for one of these:
Multi-unit housing would complement development of Los Angeles Community College campus at nearby Van de Kamp bakery Would help Castias Avenue look less like a "dump" (This one's for Sung Lim Kee) Take the survey here, but be warned: full name, full address and email address are required. They'll want to know exactly where to ship the lawn signs. |
Leave year-end restaurant rankings and political punditry to Los Angeles veterans. These are year-end bests for us, two of the LA newbies who helped bump city population over 4 million in 2006.![]() Best Secret On-Ramp, Spanish Language Version - In Boyle Heights, the Mission Rd. ramp to I-5 splits to I-10 East Best Reason to Know About Secret Ramps: Closures of I-5 north from I-10 west after midnight every time we try it Best Tacos in Walking Distance - Tacos Villa Corona Best Tacos in View of Hollywood Sign and Griffith Observatory - Sidewalk tables at tiny taqueria Casa Diaz, 4666 Hollywood Blvd., give unobstructed angles on two of the icons that drew us here Best LA Blog Family - Mike & Maria & Baby Blogger, curators of Franklin Avenue and Rate-a-Restaurant - among other blogs on every LA newbie's must-read list - and originators of the term Blog-LA-Sphere Best Blog-LA-Sphere Member Who Graciously Answers Pesky Questions from Moving Newbies - LA City Nerd ![]() Best Local Show to TiVo - Eye on LA, a half-hour of trendy and traditional hot spots Best Web Site for Learning Where LA Neighborhoods Are and How Much It Costs to Live in Them: Rentslicer, especially cross-referenced with this city map Best Way to Make a Colorado Transplant Chuckle: Complaining about how cold it is in LA Second Best Way: Wearing Uggs when it's cold in LA Third Best Way: Being excited about Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory Best Vet for Newbie Pets: Gateway Animal Hospital, Alan Jimerson, DVM, 431 W. Los Feliz Blvd., Glendale Best Way to Read the Los Angeles Times Online - Fishbowl LA's LAT in 90 Seconds ![]() Best Grocery Store Analogy for Newbies - VONS : SAFEWAY :: Ralph's : King Soopers Best Refurbished Grocery Store - Vons, 311 W. Los Feliz Blvd., Glendale, where employees must get paid for friendly greetings the way other grocery store employees are compensated for blank stares Best Place to Take Visitors Who Hate LA - San Diego Second Best Place - Pasadena Best Place to Take Two-Year-Old Visitors in LA - Shane's Inspiration Playground, Griffith Park Second Best Place - Travel Town, Griffith Park Best Traffic Web Site for Newbies - MyCaliforniaTraffic.com ![]() Best Second Stop - The Getty Museum, because 1) it's free, 2) it gets you used to the idea that in LA "free" means you still pay for parking, and 3) the view makes you glad you moved from a landlocked state Best Song to Hear While Driving a Hyundai to Zankou Chicken in Glendale - "Debra" by Beck Best TV Show to Sharpen LA Geography Skills - From "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip": "A caller from Toluca Lake called us Barbra Streisand loving, Michael Moore worshiping jackasses;" "I keep all your things nicely stored on a garbage scow off Catalina" Best TV Show to Set Unrealistic LA Traffic Expectations: "24" Best Blog by Another LA Newbie: BLDGBLOG |
Back from Colorado for Christmas. Optimism in Colorado Springs:![]() And squatters - still waiting after one of those old-fashioned winter storms - at the Denver International Airport: ![]() Not every traveler was as lucky as us. We suffered only slight departure and luggage delays. And from now on we will find any excuse to fly out of LA/Ontario instead of LAX. (Despite continued, persistent closures of I-5 north from I-10 after midnight. Long detour to Atwater Village.) |
Sad news of this week's deadly car crash in the 4800 block of Los Feliz Blvd. hits home in Atwater Village. From LA Daily News:
Thoughts and best wishes go out to the Merrill family from your neighbors in the Newbie family. ![]() [Image of baseball cross at accident site from Bill German] |
In an article in Sunday's California section about the success of neighborhood councils in Los Angeles, Jeff Gardner of the Atwater Village Neighborhood Council said his group had provided a local elementary school with a library. In fact, the library was funded by a grant and school funds. The Atwater council provided a rocking chair and is funding the purchase of additional library books.
First image emerges from proposed housing project on Casitas Avenue in Atwater Village. Thanks to Friends of Atwater Village:From 3234-3274 Casitas Avenue... A 4-story building with approximately 90 units/apartments ranging in size from 550 to 2,200 sq. ft. on 10 lots (5,300 sq. ft. each). (Typos theirs. And the Patterns site is "suspended" now. See the architect's other "sci-fi" work here.) Here's an aerial look at 3234 Casitas, as it stands, just across the tracks from a future northeast campus of Los Angeles Community College at the old Van de Kamp bakery. ![]() Some people are in favor of the project, though not very diplomatically. From FAV: Ms. Sung Lim Lee (a recent electee to the AVNC Board as Business Representative) ... stated that Casitas Ave looks like a 'dump' and expressed her opinion that long time residents on Casitas should be grateful for the improvement this project would bring. But apparently there's some "public outrage." (No. Really?) Something about how the developers didn't rub everyone's shoulders enough before trying to sleep with them. The process took less then two weeks from beginning to end and totally bypassed any outreach to the various community stakeholders... Hmm, what was that LA Times story about infighting among neighborhood councils? So, table this for "some time in January." Unless the council caves into its own penchant for rescheduling things. Hey, at least the H&R Block is open. |
You're moseying up Los Feliz Boulevard toward Toys R Us ... amazed at the number of times a couple of cars ahead zip from the right lane to the left and the back again...
The density of cars trying to find parking increases in direct disproportion to the likelihood of a parking space... In other words, parking at Toys R Us sucks...
Toys R Us - in addition to being a no-holds-barred cage match among burly, panicked-looking dads and grim-jawed abuelitas jockeying for position in 20-minute-long lines with armloads of immense toys - is not the perfect spot to find the Star Wars Clone Turbo Tank...
When the hell did LEGO kits start costing almost $100? Why is there nothing cool and fun related to Star Wars under $80 in this store? WTF???
Santa won't be flying commercial this year. From the lists of prohibited items for air travel, courtesy of the Transportation "Security" Administration:![]() ![]() Looking forward to traveling this holiday season. |
On the next season of The Apprentice: "Most disgusting is that each week's winning team will luxe it up in a Beverly Hills mansion, while the losers are in hell sleeping in two tents in the backyard without hot showers.... I'm nauseous thinking about it."
On the next season of Survivor: "While one team will live the life of luxury, the other team is left with virtually nothing. Uh, doesn't that defeat the whole point of the show... This high concept doesn't make any sense."
Corina Weibel, chef at Canele in Atwater Village [3219 Glendale Blvd.], is planning a holiday party for her crew at Lucky Strike, the bowling alley and eatery at Hollywood & Highland.
Seven years after a network of neighborhood councils was created to give Los Angeles residents a greater voice in city politics, the groups' effectiveness remains blunted by infighting, poor community outreach and a lack of influence with key city departments...
Jeff Gardner of the Atwater Village council said his group provided supplies to two local elementary schools, including a new library for one.
Finest Flan - A great dessert is an exclamation point. It continues the atmosphere imparted by a meal while bringing the experience to a close. The flan at Canele might not seem like much, yet it is everything. The caramel is nut brown and a powerful contrast with the custard - and what a custard. It's been poached slowly in a water bath at such a low temperature, not a single bubble has formed. As the flan is unmolded - the ribbon of pooling caramel supplying the sauce - we are reminded of what a lot of care can accomplish with sugar, milk and eggs.
The kitchen also produces a superlative flan, again in a classic style, with a fine silken texture, napped with irresistible burnt caramel. And built to share.
Architect, and professor of architecture, Marcello Spina presented a futuristic designed loft style housing development proposed for 3234 Casitas Ave.
The renderings showed a sloped design that looked more like a pyramid than a box. The design will not tower over any adjacent property.
The proposal includes eighty to ninety units ranging from five hundred to several thousand square feet and will conform to the existing forty five foot height limit.
Units will be designed for artists and professionals, but would accommodate families.