GOOD NEWS for folks shopping and dining along Glendale Blvd. in central Atwater Village. You know how sometimes half the boulevard's parking meters are out of order? (The ones that actually display "Fail," not just handwritten "out of order" notes.) You don't have to put money in them. Really. No kidding. Even though last year the City of Los Angeles issued 550,000 tickets for expired meters, City Councilman Tom Labonge
assures you:
"If someone says 'I got a ticket,' henceforth, 'from a failed meter,' we want to know about that, because we don't do that."
Well, they
do do that, but it turns out you don't have to pay for the ticket.
The LA Times clarifies in a quote from Amir Sedadi, assistant general manager of the Transportation Department, that "the policy of the Department of Transportation is not to issue any citations to broken meters."
Of course, your meter may suddenly click to life while you're away. Sedadi said: "Somehow due to vibration, coins being stuck, somebody putting a paper clip [in] it may come out of that state and be acting normal." In that case, pay up.