GOOD MORNING Los Angeles: - USGS has a 4.4 at 4:04am near Pico Rivera:
- Woke me up in NoHo but seemed quick & rattly.
- On the 3rd floor, didn't feel anything but heard the glass of the shower door rattling!
- Earthquake. Decent shaker. Thanks insomnia
- Looking forward to day full of news reports showing loops of footage of shampoo bottles on floor of drugstore in Whittier.
- I'm telling you all this DST business upsets mother earth. She just didn't want to wake up an hour early to bring up the sun.
- Well, that was scary. Gave me a contraction!
- Quake was on the Puente Hills Fault. Same one as Whittier Narrows in 1987. (that one knocked down 1/2 the chimneys in 90042.)
- A tsunami alert has been issued for portions of Silver Lake reservoir
So far,
22 responses on the USGS shake report from here in the 90039, with a "mild" intensity of 3 out of 10.
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