This is Spelling Manor in Holmby Hills (Google map), the largest house in LA County and now the most expensive residential real-estate listing in the US:
- $150,000,000 list price
- 56,500 square feet
- 100+ rooms
- 17,000 sq ft attic w/ beauty salon
- 4.6 acres of land
- 16 carports
- Built in 1991
Don't fear for Candy, though, even in this recession. She's downsizing to a $47 milion, 2-story condo at The Century tower in Century City. I bet you could talk her down to $140 million for the mansion.
Man, if I had that kinda high money then I could afford to demolish all the wretchedly wretched excess.
at least the interior doesn't seam too gawdy
If you have the cash I'm sure you also know a lot of people...so you need space to entertain.
Emmanuel Glen Gopaul of Trinidad that is most amazing, That is just what i want to live in!!!!!!!!!
Well I Might have to look at that house.
When i saw the pic, all I had to say was 'WOW'. That place is amazingly beautiful. Its like the best place for a princess. Too bad, she had to sell it. If that place's mine, i will never sell it. The picture from the top is breathtaking, what more the inside's pic right?
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This house is just miles away from skid row...disgusting wealth and health disparity. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skid_Row,_Los_Angeles
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