April 19, 2010

What's in a Name? Neighbor Disappointment

A READER OF my post about a new massage joint moving into the Silver Lake Video space in Atwater Village has a geographical grievance:
The Thai Massage place located at 3206 Glendale Blvd. has put up a sign that says Glendale Thai Massage. I'm really disappointed with the name chosen for this establishment. Although it is on Glendale Blvd., I find that the name of the place will confuse people who are not from Atwater Village, implying that they are in the city of Glendale. Atwater Village is actually part of Los Angeles, with its own rich history and thriving community.
On local TV news, I've heard reporters often call Atwater Village "Glendale." Not that I have anything against Glendale, but we have a really good chance at making Atwater a very special place in Los Angeles. A small town neighborhood in the big city of Los Angeles.
I feel a better name for the business might be Atwater Village Thai Massage. I know that the business owner has every right to call it whatever he/she wants, but if the name is bothersome to you, the way it is to me, why not mention it to them in a nice way. Maybe it will do some good.


Jim said...

What about all the "Beverly Hills [insert type of business here]" that are in Los Angeles? Also, what about the "Hollywood [insert type of business here"?

woodstockinla said...

I definitely dont like when people confuse Atwater with Glendale. Im not as nice as your reader with a grievance...I dont like Glendale.

Lulu said...

I too don't like Glendale and I find it extremely irritating when people confuse it with Atwater Village. Case in point we have a fricken sign up in the median of the street reading: ATWATER VILLAGE!

Perhaps they were naming the establishment after the street name? Still lame no matter what their rationale!