THIS BUSY SHOPPING weekend I got banned from the Burbank location of a $12.43 billion consumer electronics retailer. A Circuit City employee, identifying himself as the "store director,"
told me in no uncertain terms that I should take my business elsewhere. Even if my business was asking the company to honor its guarantee for car audio installation. (My left rear speaker works off and on.)
His uncertain terms: "
Get the fuck out of my store," and, "If you ever step foot in my fucking store again I will call the cops and report you for trespassing" and, fists raised, lunging at me, "I will take you down."
I wonder if this is what Merrill Lynch means when they report "
most customers looked frustrated" at Circuit City stores this weekend. Yes, Merrill, I may have looked that way. But you should've seen how Burbank's store director looked as he chased me out the back.
I called Circuit City's 800 number - five times - to report the incident. Lots of forwarding and disconnecting. I could
email Circuit City executives, or file a report with Glendale police. But why bother? That's one Southern California Circuit City store down, 47 to go. Get your banning fists ready!