- July 9 - Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory (1971)
- August 13 - Young Frankenstein (1974)
- September 10 - E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial (1982)
June 30, 2010
Schedule: Atwater Village Outdoor Movies
SEE SOME CLASSICS this summer under the stars of Atwater Village. The annual movie series takes place at the Los Feliz Municipal Golf Course, 3207 Los Feliz Blvd., where blankets and picnics are encouraged, but tall chairs, pets and smoking are rightly shunned. Gates at dusk, showtimes at dark.
June 29, 2010
Summer of Food Trucks and Wine

- Crepe'n' Around: Wednesday June 30, 7:00pm to 10:00pm
- FrySmith: Saturday July 3, 1:00pm to 4:00pm
- Grilled Cheese Truck, Wednesday July 14, 7:00pm to 10:00pm
- Nom Nom Truck, Wednesday July 21, 7:00pm to 10:00pm
- Cupcakes a GoGo: Wednesday July 28, 7:00pm to 10:00pm
- LA FuXion: Wednesday August 4, 7:00pm to 10:00pm
June 23, 2010
New Short Film Shot in Atwater Village
SHOT IN Atwater Village, the new fiction short film, "Through the Window," is written and directed by Regina Gomez, and features the song "Pray for Death" by Pawz1. The cop, played by Gomez, shows up at the 4:30 mark to deliver the twist ending.
June 21, 2010
Reporting Graffiti? There's an App for That

NO FLYING CARS just yet, but Los Angeles city government is at least going futuristic with its latest citizen reporting mechanism: iPhone apps. So reports the LA Times:
"It's like having a city official in your pocket," said John Chuldenko, who recently used the app to report graffiti he spotted while strolling through his Atwater Village neighborhood. He was floored when the graffiti was gone a week later. "I've never been the type to report all these things," Chuldenko said. "But now that it's so easy, I do it all the time."In addition to council district 13 residents using the "Garcetti 311" iPhone app, citizens all over LA can report graffiti and other city government issues the old-fashioned way by calling 311.
(Council district 2 has similar apps for iPhone and Android.)
June 16, 2010
Tick Tock, Food Truck
THE GOURMET FOOD truck Vizzi (menu, tweets) rolls into Atwater Village for pre-show dining before the Saturday night performance of "Tick Tock" at Atwater Playhouse, 3191 Casitas Ave. Truck's at 6:30pm, play's at 8:00pm (tickets $15).
Jamming in South Atwater Village
A VICTIM OF the United States Postal Service posts on the AVNC forum: "Is anyone else having problems with our mailman (south Atwater)? Today I arrived home to find our mailbox completely destroyed inside the house. This is because he continues to forcibly jam as much mail as possible into the small mail slot at once, rather than a few pieces at a time (like a normal person would). I get that he has a lot of houses to visit, but a little patience on his part would have saved me from having to replace my mail slot and fix the interior wall. I'm going to complain to the postmaster (for whatever good that'll do), but wonder if others have a similar experience so I can be armed with more information."
June 12, 2010
And She Doesn't Look a Day Over 80
REMINDER: The Atwater Village Centennial Street Festival, marking 100 years since a field of poppies became a genuine subdivision (named after Harriet Atwater Paramore), is Sunday, June 13, 2010, 11:00am to 4:00pm in the 3100 block of Glendale Blvd. Expect the usual: food, music, dance, arts, crafts, family fun, entertainment, all your neighbors out and about.
June 9, 2010
All Worth the Wait

Grilled Cheese Truck, originally uploaded by Atwater Village Newbie.
THREE LINES tonight: one to order @grlldcheesetruk, two to pickup @grlldcheesetruk, three for table @55degreewine.
June 3, 2010
June Events in Atwater Village
NOT ALL is gloom in June in our slice of northeast Los Angeles:
- Wednesday June 9, 7:00pm to 9:00pm: The Grilled Cheese Truck is parking at 55 Degree Wine, 3111 Glendale Blvd.
- Saturday June 12, 8:30pm: Famous actor Joel McHale introduces a performance of Violators Will Be Violated, Atwater Village Theatre, 3269 Casitas Ave., and hosts a party to help send the show to the New York International Fringe Festival this August.
- Sunday June 13, 11:00am to 4:00pm: Atwater Village Street Festival, celebrating neighborhood's centennial, 3100 block of Glenadale Blvd.
- Sunday June 13, 11:30am: Return of the Homemade Cookie Contest (check out 2007's winner) during the Atwater Village Street Festival, 3100 Block of Glendale Blvd. Prizes awarded at 1:30pm.
June 1, 2010
World Premiere of "Tick Tock" at Atwater Playhouse
OPENING THIS weekend: Atwater Playhouse, 3191 Casitas Ave., presents the world premiere of Tick Tock, written by Roland Allen and directed by Jamie Paolinetti, running Fridays and Saturdays, June 4 to July 10, 8:00pm. (Extra matinee Sunday, July 11, 3:00pm.) General admission tickets are $15 each, $10 each for seniors and students.
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