- Newer Home Depot = Nicer Home Depot
(My favorite feature of older Home Depots: Bring Your Own Prices. Apparently cashiers have no way of looking them up.)
Then visit the newest Home Depot - Burbank #6654 at 1200 Flower St. - opened January 2006. Let your vehicle revel in vast asphalt. Shield your eyes from gleaming signage. Ward off enthusiastic customer service. And exit dancing with your correctly-priced power tools.

They say, "Four Home Depots within eight miles are too many!" I say, "Build 12 as long as they're nicer than #649!" Here's what the coalition wants instead:
"Instead we would have a book store, coffee and juice bars, a CPK or other nice restaurant, an Apple store or other computer retailer, and a fitness club - services that are sorely lacking in our immediate area."
To this one-chain-is-better-than-another snobbery, I strongly reply, "Seven California Pizza Kitchens within seven miles are too many!" Besides, one CPK is as nice as any other.
I still don't want a Home Depot in the old Kmart building at Fletcher and Riverside. I want THE WORLD'S BIGGEST VIDEO GAME DEPOT or something.
You gotta go to the Home Depot at Sunset & St. Andrews (near Western). Worst effin' nightmare store I've ever been to in my life. But go for the experience. One time I was there a trannie in line in front of me was buying equipment for a home enema and some air freshener.
Hmm, how about a Trannie Video Game Depot?
I would go to the trannie video game store like CRAZY. Trannies are notoriously nice people. They've had a tough time of things. NO SERIOUSLY. I saw a whole thing on some salacious local news report about how much the cops hassle the trannies of East of La Brea/Santa Monica Blvd.
I don't know the half-life of Home Depot ****holiness, but how's that vacant Kmart looking these days?
The area is already congested enough. Better use of that space would be for local independently owned stores. Help grow San Fernando -- once one of the most important streets in all of LA -- into a better street. Throw on top of that the already-awful traffic at Fletcher and San Fernando, the eventually-coming LACC campus and another Home Depot will just worsen traffic all the more.
How about a DIFFERENT home improvement store at least? They are nicer at Lowes!
I could get on a pro-Lowes bandwagon. The Lowes Friendliness Effect overrules any Home Depot Recency Effect by far. - AVN
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