Lest history record this year as the beginning of the Great Atwater Village Pavement War, let's hope city
leadership can satisfy a Curbed LA rumbler who wants repairs on South AV's concrete
streets (item #2) - before he finds out the city just overhauled some of North AV's concrete
You know that repairing 2 to 3 inch concrete sidewalks is a whole lot different than repairing 2 to 4 foot concrete streets. See my comments on CurbedLA's post that you link to for more...
To hear my neighbors, you'd think it took the city 80 years to repave those 3-inch sidewalks. In truth, it did take about a month.
Well, I hate to say it, but I was the one who wrote in to Curbed. And, yes, I know concrete is different...but come on. Twice in like 3 or 4 years for asphalt and nothing for concrete.
Plus, by the way, many blocks on the southside have had their sidewalks fixed -- not ours.
And throw in the no street cleaning, oy!
You're not missing much with the street cleaning. Everyone moves their vehicles over to one side, the trucks come down, a 12" strip of road gets damp. Dancing with the Cars. -AVN
As Joanie Mitchell once trilled, you don't know what you got til it's gone.
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