LUIS LOPEZ has posted 45 new photos from this Sept. 9, 2010, accident. A Saturn sedan hit a curb and sped into the driveway of his automotive shop at 2751 Fletcher Drive, crashing into the building. Luckily no one was working in that section and no one was injured.
September 30, 2010
September 23, 2010
What Happened to Pounder Kone Gallery?
A READER by the tell-tale name of "CC from Pounder Kone" leaves this comment about what happened to Pounder Kone Art Space, the gallery run by actress CCH Pounder ("The Shield," "Avatar") and formerly located at 3407 Glendale Blvd. in Atwater Village:
"We moved to Hollywood, 5825 Sunset Blvd., Suite 1102. A head shop moved into the carpet store next door, the landlord services had changed and times were getting tough so we had to get tougher. But we miss Atwater, Canele, Black Maria, Catherine Dent and son, and the potted garden we created out back. In exchange we have an amazing view of the city and many of the same wonderful customers who followed us to Atwater and now are following us to Hollywood."Pounder Kone's former space in Atwater Village is now occupied by Dance Garden LA.
September 21, 2010
Tweet Me Like a Newbie

- leeleepitts: Hey everybody! We have so much fun planned for the Summer Nights event in @AtwaterVillage on Sep 23. Check it out here:
- themewsnews: Atwater Village Celebrates Summer Nights on The Boulevard!
- atwatervillage: Northeast LA's No Home Depot Coalition busily re-organizing itself into No Wal-Mart Coalition:
- atwatervillage: Portrait of Lilly La Bonge of Atwater Village's Sweets for the Soul:
- atwatervillage: "If there was a heaven for bungalows it would have to be Atwater Village"
September 20, 2010
LA's Emptiest Freeway?
NOT QUITE. Here's how the photographer explains this photograph of I-5 in Atwater Village: "This is a fun little trick. With my neutral density filter I can take long exposure shots that make moving objects vanish. I will probably never seen the I-5 freeway empty like this. Actually, there are a few ghostlike trails if you look closely."
September 7, 2010
LAPD Advice for Atwater Village: "Keep Your Doors and Windows Locked at All Times"

"I just wanted to send out a community announcement regarding increase police presence as well as police perimeters in the Atwater Village communities. Northeast gang units have been conducting enforcement due to increase of gang activity in the area.
"The good news is that after several gang operations, multiple local gang members were taken into custody pending Firearm violations. I can not disclose details at this time due to the ongoing investigations.
"I do want to remind folks that it is important that you keep your doors and windows locked at all times. As these gang members flee on foot they may attempt to enter through open windows and doors that are unlocked.
"I also want to caution folks that if you see police activity in your area involving the police helicopter hoovering over property, stay inside your homes."
Many neighbors have noticed increased police presence lately, especially helicopters in the wee hours of the night. How is it on your block?
- Emergency call 911
- City-wide directory 311
- Non-emergency 1-877-ASK-LAPD
(On the other hand, at least, graffiti has been reduced by 75%!)
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