![]() Voila, the first summer Atwater Art Walk, Saturday July 28, 4:00pm to 8:00pm. Go get your art on. jFerrari Gallery - 3015 Glendale Blvd. - Now showing a group exhibition of landscape paintings, Earthly Delights. Live music and live paintings by artist Dan Wooster. |
July 27, 2007
Our First Summer Art Walk
July 20, 2007
Neighborhood Author Crosses River to Sell Book
![]() Go help him make sure no one tries to lounge on one of his books.An evening with Tom Neely |
July 18, 2007
Thrones of Southern California

WE'VE BEEN PLAYING TOURIST this week with out-of-town friends and family. Both photographs were shot in the County of Los Angeles, but not in the City of Los Angeles, for submission to Guess Where LA. Any guesses? |
July 17, 2007
The Photos the LA Galaxy Tried to Confiscate

IT COULD BE A CLEVER BIT of reverse psychology. Threaten fans, the strategy might go, and make them think their David Beckham photos are worth something. Maybe they'll post them on Flickr. But the suit who approached me at tonight's LA Galaxy game probably isn't that clever.
One would think that the LA Galaxy would take time to realize: a) it scored the first genuine soccer star in three decades, b) it brought him to a city obsessed with photography, c) the future of Major League Soccer may depend somewhat on DINKs with $120 to blow on back-row seats, and d) these very same DINKs could have half-decent cameras and blogs with only slightly less of an audience than the "accredited" media willing to have every shot micromanaged from a sideline pen.Suit: Getting good shots?
Me: They're OK.
Suit: I'm have to confiscate that camera. You're not allowed to have that kind of camera here.
Me: What kind of camera?
Suit (pointing at the D50 on my Nikon D50): The number means that it's professional.
Guy in front of me with a cheap-ass camera being no help whatsoever: Yeah, it's nothing like my camera.
Me (knowing that D50 is strictly an entry-level consumer digital SLR and calling the suit's bluff): This is a personal camera. I'm on vacation.
Suit: Are you media accredited?
Me: No.
Suit (giving up): Well, keep the camera pointed at the field.
Or maybe it is all reverse psychology. Ha! I guess the joke's on me.
Here's the complete gallery on Flickr.
July 10, 2007
Putting the Rock Back in Eagle Rock

EXCEPT FOR THE HORCHATA STAND, this outdoor concert could have been in Anytown, USA. But this was in the New York Times-beloved northeast Los Angeles (NELA), the first of a summer series at Eagle Rock Recreation Center. |

LA city councilmember Jose Huizar dragged some children (probably his own) on stage to boast about the five-month old NYT coverage and give out platitudes to Chamber of Commerce people. (Lemongrass somehow didn't win Longest Wait for a New Restaurant.) |

As you can see, fun was had by groupies of all ages. See all 21 photos of the event in my Eagle Rocks set on Flickr. |
July 7, 2007
Fish, Yes. Game, Not So Much
A NEW REPORT FROM the Atwater Village Fish and Game Club: "LA River fish are not fit for human consumption; all fish were released back into the river." |
July 6, 2007
Atwater Chatter: Independence Week Edition

I HEREBY DECLARE that I am willing to sign any petition legally requiring Independence Day to be celebrated on either the first Friday or first Monday of July. Anything but Wednesday. Now, onto news from in and around our little banana-shaped microcosm of Los Angeles:Vince's Market: Now - "One of those rare local family owned markets still in existence here in LA." [Goodgoings] |
July 5, 2007
East vs. West: Our Celebrities Try to Settle It
![]() Here they are, VIPs and sort-of-IPs, in quotes actual and alleged, helping us build the wall:
July 4, 2007
Infiltrating Altadena Country Club

WE HAD TO SEE some fireworks last night. Had to. Big ones. The LAFD-sponsored site, SafeJuly4th.org, listed Altadena Town & Country Club as one of eight hot spots for July 3. Great! Fireworks and a chance to find out where the hell Altadena is. The streets of this suburb of a suburb were packed. Parked cars, lawn chairs, bands of roving teens, all drawn like metal shavings to the country club magnet. Should we resign ourselves to a darkened curb? Or try to get closer? We were in. Before us, a smorgasbord of American independence. Literally: the country club put out rows of buffet food, a hosted pie table, freezers of ice cream, a live band and a bar.Country Club Parking Lot Guard: You members? Little did we know "friends" of members were expected to pay $55.95 each. No one asked us for money. (And we didn't eat.) After a while, one guy gave us the parking guard interrogation. He wanted to who we came with. Mrs. Newbie smartly, vaguely pointed toward the crowded tennis courts, lined with dozens of banquet tables. The Pattersons, she said. (Good thing she didn't say Martinez. Or Chang.) He bought it. We settled on a grassy knoll near the swimming pool. The fireworks started late, well past the promised 9:30 launch. (Or so we overheard from the key party couples on the next blanket.) And the giant tree seemed even more giant this year (or so we heard) and blocked part of the show. Next year, we'll ask the Pattersons to say something about that tree.

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